Sunday, 19 June 2011

Restaurant #4 June 17th Old Triangle

This week the restaurant was The Old Triangle. There was Erick, Pierre, Darren and Stephane. It was a surprise to me that they went 'cause Erick normally doesn't enjoy the Old Triangle. I, on the other hand, was slaving away in PEI, picking weeds out of a field... I'm not sure who the photo credits should go to, Stephane sent the pictures to me, but I can see him in some, so my best guess is that it was a group effort. And here are some of Stephane's favorite pictures:

Monday, 6 June 2011

Restaurant #3 June 3rd 2011 Isac Korean Cuisine

Restaurant #3 was Isac Korean Cuisine on St. George St. in Moncton. Those present were Stéphan, Erick, Carine, Joey, Chantal, Yolande, Gary, Pierre, Justin and Darren. I guess that Carine didn't like her food, but I've been salivating about the bibimbap ever since they told me that's where they were going. So I'm going to have to go outside of the "Restaurant Challenge" to satisfy my craving.

Ok, so I know the images aren't encouraging because Carine and Darren look pissed/depressed, but the food (that I've tasted) is actually really tasty :)