Thursday, 29 September 2011

Restaurant #15 September 23rd 2011 Boston Pizza

Pierre, Erick, Stephane, Stephan, Me and Darren went to Boston Pizza. I had pizza and it wasn't good (that pic is my pizza, with guacamole and sour cream on it..). I'm glad we don't have to go  back there anytime soon. Seems like everytime I go there, I'm a little disappointed, however, I must say that the wings were good.

Wednesday, 28 September 2011

Restaurant #14 September 16th 2011 Pumphouse

From Darren... - They went to eat at the Pumphouse - it was the subject line

"Stephan, Stephane, Erick, Andrew, Marilyn, Darren.

Pizzas, blueberry beer, and a pork sandwich.

Friday, Sept, 16, 2011


Photo credits to D

Restaurant #13 September 9th 2011 The Keg

We went to the Keg... Stephan has been getting compensation for his job (in the form of a Keg GC) so he shared it with us (except for Pierre), what a sweetheart!


Restaurant #12 September 2nd 2011 Casino

hmmmm.. I know it was somewhere and people ate stuff...

Ok, it was at the Casino.

Look at all those manly men in the pictures :)

Photo Credits to Legs


Sunday, 18 September 2011

Restaurant #11 August 26th 2011 HomeStead


There was Stephan, Stephane, Steph, Darren, Mike and me. It was good and after that we went to some sort of little farmer's market behind the chocolate river building..

Restaurant #10 August 12th 2011 St. James Gate (Fox Creek)

St. James Gate at Fox Creek

Photo Credits to Legs

Restaurant #9 August 5th 2011 Montana's


Not sure about the date on this one, I was in Honolulu, enjoying the sun :) 

Photo Credits To Legs

Restaurant #8 July 29th 2011 Alto Restaurant

Alto Restaurant in Riverview

Photo Credits to Legs

Restaurant #7 July 15th 2011 Skipper Jack's

Skipper Jack's