Thursday, 23 May 2013

Restaurant #88 - Tran's Place - May 17th 2013

The guys went to Tran's. Here's Darren's review of the place:

Stéphan, Stéphane, Pierre, Darren.

For all but Stéphane, it was our first time there, despite the fact that we had a total of over 80 man years of living in Moncton among the four of us.

Stéphan thought the chairs were comfortable.  Stéphane didn't say much.  Pierre pointed out that the Novinscak index was pretty low for the chicken balls, and I thought both the egg rolls and the water were rather moist.  The food was not very memorable, and pretty bland.



Friday, 3 May 2013

Restaurant #87 - Overtime - May 3rd 2013

Overtime - Sports pub on Main St.

The food was fine. They had the big garage door open for the terrace, but it was freezing cold, so we eventually had to ask them to close it. They have a whole bunch of tv's, all with sports on. I ended up watching the strong men, which is something that is fun to see. Darren, Stephan and I had pizza, Pierre a burger and Stephane had a club. The pizza was quite good.

Only bad thing was that there was about 10-15 customers in the bar, and some guy starts singing songs. I don't mind when people sign in bars, I'm just used to it being later on in the evening, when you're having a drink, not at 5:30 pm. And he set up quite close to where we were sitting, and the sound was turned up LOUD. He definitely could have turned it down. Either way, after he started, we tried to finish as fast as we could so we could get out of there.