Friday, 21 September 2012

Restaurant #55 - Rossano's - September 7th 2012

Erick, Stephan, Pierre and Darren went to Rossano’s. There was a nice choice of three different breads before the meal, and it was offered again when we asked. Erick had the Fish and Chips, Stephan had the pepper steak, and Pierre and Darren had a pizza. Everybody was satisfied. Appetizers were calamari (Erick) and a mushroom bisque (Darren and Pierre) which led to a discussion of what constituted a bisque. Erick said it was a soup with a shellfish or seafood base, and upon later enquiry (to the Joy of Cooking!) it turns out he was right. (We didn’t believe him at the time because we couldn’t detect any seafood taste to the mushroom soup, or couldn’t believe they wouldn’t mention there was seafood in it, but either they used the word bisque incorrectly, or our tasting ability for seafood is deficient).





1 comment:

  1. Is Stephan feeding you wrong information? Because I don't remember Pierre having the bisque. It was me, and maybe Stephan who had it.
