Friday, 26 April 2013

Restaurant #84 - Le Petit Cavalier - April 12th 2013

There was Stephan, Stephane, Darren and I.

It was my first time ever eating here. I hear radio announcements all the time, but it always made me think that it was going to be really snooty and very expensive. I was somewhat wrong. First off, I love the old house that the restaurant was in. They have their dining room set up in a few rooms of the house (we could see three of them) and they all looked nice. We went at 5 pm, and the place was empty. There was one couple that arrived while we were eating, besides that, the place was empty (I am imagining that it must fill up later in the evening).

I was also surprised about the menu. It is a French restaurant, so they have some different dishes, but the prices are not over the top (I was expecting something a little bit less expensive than the Windjammer, but most meals were about 20-30$ range, which quite surprised me). They have a Table d'Hôte with a few choices for appetizers and mains, Darren and Stephane both took that. Stephan and I ordered off the menu. All of us except Stephane got the mushroom soup as a starter. This was one of the best mushroom soups I have ever tasted. It wasn't a cream of mushroom soup, but more of a mushroom puree in a broth. It was unexpected and the mushrooms (and other ingredients, I think it had truffles in it also) mixed together very well.

I had bacon wrapped chicken stuffed with goat cheese as my main. I really enjoyed the vegetables that came with the chicken, but I found the chicken a bit bland. It might have just been the way that it was rolled up, it felt like I didn't have enough bacon/goat cheese to put together with the chicken, so I got a bunch of just chicken pieces, and since there wasn't a sauce or anything, it tasted somewhat dry.

They also gave us a little snack at the beginning, compliments of the chef (fish, so I didn't eat it) and a granité between our starter and main course.

Overall, I did enjoy the restaurant and was very happy to see that it wasn't what I was expecting at all.







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