Monday, 16 January 2012

Restaurant #29 Big Stop January 20th 2012

I thought I'd decide where we're going this week. And it's the Big Stop in Salisbury. Qui m'aime me suive!

We went to Salisbury to the Big Stop, driving in the after-storm, there were 2 cars in the ditch! The things we do for these suppers.. There was Stephan, Erick, Stephane, Darren and me. The food was what I've come to expect and enjoy. We got to sit on the trucker side because we turned down the section with all the little babies in it. Also, in Darren's picture, I'd like to point out that he's enjoying a little bit of toast with his peanut butter. Finally, we didn't take a picture with the Irving sign, but with the Silver Fox out front by the road. I think it makes for a nicer picture.

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