Monday, 16 January 2012

Restaurant #30 Pink Sushi January 27th 2012

Well, we were all set on celebrating the 30th restaurant by going to Windjammer, a "snooty" restaurant at the Delta downtown. When someone finally called to make a reservation (Thank you Erick), it turns out that the restaurant was booked for the evening, so we wouldn't be able to go. Since some of us had prior engagements over the next few Fridays, the Windjammer would get pushed back to the end of February. Instead of it being restaurant 33 or 34 on the list, we decided that we'd wait until we reached a round number, say 40 or 50, and we'd just keep going on with the challenge as there are still quite a few restaurants that we didn't visit yet. All this brings us to this week's restaurant... Pink Sushi.

There was Stephan, Stephane, Darren and I. The food was good. I had this huge bowl of Udon noodles that also came with shrimp tempura.. it was huge and delicious if you like Udon noodles (which turns out that it seems that I was the only one at our table that did - sidenote, if you're ever in Waikiki, there is a delicious Udon noodle eat-in/Take-out, Marukame Udon, absolutely delicious!). The Stephan(e)'s got the Teriyaki (chicken and scallop) and Darren got the Kam Pung Ki.

After eating, we got to take our picture with the sushi chefs, and outside, even though you can't quite see our feet, Darren was jumping in the picture, and to show our support, Stephan and I both lifted one of our legs :)



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