Friday, 23 August 2013

Reataurant #99 - Zen Garden - August 2nd 2013

For number 99 we went to Zen Garden on Mountain Road.

The place is small, maybe about 6-8 tables and it's all vegetarian food. The ordering system is like at the All-You-Can-Eat Sushi, where you select what you want from a list of items and write how many you would like beside the dish. I like that.

The food was delicious. The only not-so-good thing is that they don't bring out everything all at once, but when it's ready, so not everyone is eating at the same time, and you don't get all your items at the same time. The waitress was also extremely nice, gave us some samples of tea that she made and some raspberries that she had picked that morning in Hillsborough.

Everyone enjoyed what we ordered, though I can't remember the name of most of the items. I ordered a bit too much though, but just because I wanted to try a lot of food to get a good sampling. I didn't feel stuffed at the end, but close to it.

We all had a wonderful experience and would definitely recommend it for a relaxed-dinner-type thing.

These last few pictures are completely unrelated. They are for Stéphan. Remember when you went on vacation and you weren't going to be able to see your tree flowering? Well, this is what it looked like, except that these pictures were taken about 10 minutes after a torrential rain shower. Sorry about that... and just so you know, it looked way better before the rain shower. :)

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