Friday, 2 August 2013

Restaurant #98 - McSweeney's Dinner Theatre - July 26th 2013

We're going to Dinner Theatre!

Well, enough time has passed that I'm ready to talk about Dinner Theatre. There are two things that you must take into consideration when going to this Dinner Theatre, plus a preface. The preface is that this is the only dinner theatre I've been to, so I know that this doesn't speak for all of them as I'm sure there are better ones and there are worse ones. Now, the acting is mediocre and the food is too. After you get over these two things, and don't expect too much out of either, it's actually pretty fun. The play was a murder-mystery that happens at the end of a summer camp. I do have to give a shout out to the actresses and actors for staying in character for (most) of the whole evening. I was quite impressed actually, because there is no way I would have stayed as perky as the yoga-tae bo-super lunge girl did. The food was fine, I did like the dessert though, it was a throw-back to the camp theme, smore brownies. We had the choice of chicken, pork or fish for the main. Everyone agreed that it tasted good, but it's not something that I would call exceptional or that I would tell people that they had to go to a dinner theatre because the food is amazing.

Overall, I will admit that I did have a relatively good time. I loved the mash-up that included Salt-n-Peppa, it was the best moment of the whole play for me. I guess that it's just good to go there with low expectations and you won't be too disappointed.


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